Thursday, May 14, 2015

Work It Wednesday - 2

Sorry about the post being late, I was having some technical issues yesterday and this morning! Better late then never thought! Today for Work It Wednesday we are going to go over what I have been eating almost everyday for breakfast for the past four weeks. It is this delicious egg scrabble with some fruit.

Here is what you will need:

- 1 whole egg
- 92 grames of egg whites ( I used egg beaters )
- 4 slices of honey smoked turkey ( my favorite thing in the whole world! )
- 1/8 cup shredded cheese ( I used a mixed cheese but you can just use your favorite cheese )
- fruit for your side ( I use anything from apples, blueberries, and even yogurt if I want a little more protein. )

I didn't take any pictures of the cooking process because I am terrible at multi-tasking and I would have been eating burnt eggs that day! There for, I will just be going over the steps.

First, I weigh out my egg whites then add my whole egg mix it all up with a fork and add it to the pan at medium heat and let it start cooking.

Second, while the eggs are coking I cut up my turkey. I normally cut it into smaller pieces then I did the day I took the picture but even with it being larger pieces it still worked fine.

Third, scramble up the eggs then add the turkey and cheese. I like to let the cheese melt a little before string it again. Instead of doing a scramble you could also just make it into an omelet, but lets be real I suck at cooking so I can't make omelets! 

Fourth, place it on your plate and add your fruit!

It is really an easy dish to make and it takes less then 10 minutes. I hope you guys try it an enjoy!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

DIY Day - 2

Today we will be going over a DIY that I have wanted to do for a loooong time! The top of my coffee table is always covered with planner stuff, school supplies, book and normal living room stuff like remotes; it is almost impossible to use for anything other then a storage table. Since I do most of my work work and school work in the living room i wanted it all to be accessible so I wouldn't have to walk to another room and make several trips to acquire everything I need to complete my daily tasks. In this DIY I will go over how to make this cute box, plant pots, and notebook to keep everything together.

What you will need:

For the box:
 - box
- paint

For the plant pots:
- pots
- paint

For the notebook:
- a notebook (mine is a medium size)
- templete
- exacto knife
- sponge brush
- paint

First, well shall make the paint pots! I was planning on using three different colors of paint for each pot but I ended up just using two. I started with the gray on the bottom and the white on the top.

I then mixed the the gray and white paint and placed it in the middle.

I made sure to not have any excess paint on my brush as I tried to spread it into the white and the gray to create an ombre affect.

I did the same with the blue pot. Placing the blue at the bottom and the white at the top then mixing them and placing it in the middle.

Second, we will be doing the notebook! I took my rose template and cut it out with the exacto knife being very careful to get as much detail as I could.

I mixed the same gray and blue paint together to get this grayish blue color and used the sponge brush to paint over the template. 

Thirdly, I just painted the box. I used the same gray and blue paint as before, painting a majority of the box gray and using the blue for more of an accent of color on the bottom, top, and inside the handles. I got everything I needed at Michael's other then the notebook, I got that at Walmart.

I keep it on the coffee table to store my pen, pencils, planner accessories, planner and idea notebook. I placed my books underneath the table and my class binders in my backpack under the side table. It keeps everything easily accessible but neat at the same time.

You could also use it to keep remotes and other necessities as seen in this photo above!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Motivational Monday - 2

Over the past 3 weeks I have seen reasonable results for the work that I have been putting into my fitness. During week 4 I developed shin splints and it made it very difficult to give my 100% in all my workouts. Because of that, my fitness fell short along with my nutrition. I should have given my nutrition 150% but I decided I needed a break (even though I really didn't). I didn't gain all the weight I had lost back but I did gain almost 2 pound just from giving myself a four day break. 
I am not fully recovered from my shin splints but they are getting better and I will continue with my workouts as planned. 

I can't get discouraged by gaining the weight back because I didn't put in all that I could have. You only get out what you put in and I didn't put very much into that week so in return I didn't get very much out of it. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Fit Friday - 1

Today is going to be the introduction of my 'Follow Me to Fit' series. I am trying to better my health habits by exercising more, and eating higher quality foods. In this series I will talk about my progress along with what I have been doing to achieve it. 

I am going to be working threw the Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide 1. It is a 12 week workout guide that includes resistance workouts along with cardio that you should do. I have already completed the 4 week pre-workout guide, so I will be starting week 1 of the original guide on Monday. In the guide she suggests different amounts of cardio as you progress threw the guide, however I will be doing cardio everyday since I want to really build up my stamina for cardio. 

I am not following any meal plan or anything like that, I am just going to be smarter about what I eat and what goes into my mouth. If I plan on having a big family dinner one night then threw out the day I will have small protein packed meals and snacks to keep the fats and carbs low during the day so that I don't over eat them. 

I will be posing in this series every four week and including progress photos, along with what I weigh. I started the pre-workout guide at 155 pound and I am down to 149.8, so a total of 5.2 pounds have been lost over the past 4 weeks. 

Personal Update:
Towards the end of week 4 I have been having some leg pain, I am pretty sure it is shin splints but I have not gone to a doctor or anything. I will not be pushing myself as hard when it comes to running and walking until I feel they are getting better. ((I am not going to stop running thought!!!))

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Work It Wednesday - 1

Originally Wednesdays were going to be "Work with me" but I thought that might get a little annoying and boing, because it would all mostly be me showing you my planner and what I had planned for that week. So, I switched it to "Work It Wednesday" instead! Every week I will talk about something that I have been using constantly that week and why I love it.

This week we are talking about music. I have really been getting into cardio lately and I typically will run/walk for about 40 - 60 minutes. This album is all that I have been listening to for the past week on my runs. 

It has a total of 15 songs, and every one of them I love. They all just make you want to move. 

I was going to try and pick a few of my favorite songs, but as I was going threw them I realized they were all my favorite so I picked the whole album! It is called #willpower by I am showing you four of the songs that I have to listen to without a doubt during my run. Good Morning I listen to very first because it is a little short so I use it for my warm up walk. I even use it for my alarm, I also listen to it first because I typically do cardio in the morning so it is kind of refreshing to listen to someone tell you good morning as you see the sun coming up. The other three songs really get me pumped up. If I am trying to knock a few minutes of my time I will listen to them on repeat because the beat of them is just so amazing. I really enjoy this album and I think you will to so go listen to a few songs on YouTube and see what you think! (; Have a great Wednesday everyone!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

DIY Day - 1

Hello everyone! Todays DIY is a motivational wall art. I am using the quote, "Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. What will you do?" This has to be one of my favorite quotes because it is so true. We all make the choices we make and those choices have consequences, good or bad. People that are at the top did not make it there by sitting on the couch watching Netflix eating chips all day.  No, they worked to get where they are and work even harder to stay there. This quote reminds me to do something that gets me closer to my dreams everyday. 

Here is what you will need:

- canvas (mine is 11in x 18in)
- paint (I used black, gray, and white.)
- sponge brushes
- exacto knife
- scissors
- tape
- quote

I printed out my quote but you can draw you quote on the canvas if you would like.

Step 1:

I wanted my quote to have an ombre background. I stared painting the gray on the bottom then the white at the top the blended them together. 

This is what the background looked like in the end.

Step 2:

I cut out the letters of the quote and placed them on the canvas and used tape to keep them together so that they wouldn't move when I painted over them. 

Step 3:

I painted over the stencil I made of the quote with paint. Painting a majority of it black and the final part white. 

Step 4:

I peeled the stencil off very carefully reviling the finished product and hung it on my wall next to my clock where I will see it everyday.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Motivational Monday 1

Need I say more? Everyone is different, from their looks to the way they were raised everyone has different opportunities. The one thing that we all have in common is, we all have 24 hours a day to do something. The main thing that differs people is what they do with that 24 hours a day they are giving. 

If we wake up on our day off from work and say to ourselves, " I'm tired, I am just going to lie in bed all day instead of taking the dog for a walk or getting that cleaning done, it can wait until the next day off." Then that is how we will always live, pushing things off until it is forced to be done. We all can make a difference in our day just a by doing a simple task off of our 'to do' list until there is a day when you don't have to wake up and do something immediately, there will be no to do list that day and you can, stress free, go to the zoo with your family when they call you ten minutes before they are suppose to leave and invite you. 

If you are not in a place in your life that you want to be in, or at a job that you want to be at, work harder to get out off it. If you fall into a rut you can not easily walk out of it, you have to jump out of it and give it all you have because it is something you want. Most of the time things do not come easy and the hand of cards we are dealt is not a royal flush, but you plan how to trade in cards to get that royal flush so you can win the prize of a lifetime, your dreams. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Relaunching My Blog

Hello Everyone, I am doing a relaunch of my blog! 

Recently I haven't found the time to blog quality posts so that is why I have been MIA! However, that is all going to change starting now. I have come up with a new layout of posts for the week that I will be following. I hope to keep most things the same but as time goes on I will probably alter some stuff here and there. 

The layout is going to go something like this:

Monday: Motivational Monday, there will be some quotes and just a little pick me up for when we are all having a hard Monday. 

Tuesday: DIY Day, diys that will help organize and decorate your space.

Wednesday: Work With Me Wednesday, things like a plan with me or a day in the life post where I will share lots of pictures! 

Thursday: off day (:

Friday: Fit Friday, probably one of the days I am most excited for! I will be doing a Follow me to Fit series where I show my progress every couple of weeks, along with what I eat in a day posts and my random two cents on some fitness stuff.

I am supper excited for this relaunch and I hope to gain more followers form it since I will be posting almost everyday! Have a great rest of your day and hope to see you Monday for some motivation! (;