Monday, May 11, 2015

Motivational Monday - 2

Over the past 3 weeks I have seen reasonable results for the work that I have been putting into my fitness. During week 4 I developed shin splints and it made it very difficult to give my 100% in all my workouts. Because of that, my fitness fell short along with my nutrition. I should have given my nutrition 150% but I decided I needed a break (even though I really didn't). I didn't gain all the weight I had lost back but I did gain almost 2 pound just from giving myself a four day break. 
I am not fully recovered from my shin splints but they are getting better and I will continue with my workouts as planned. 

I can't get discouraged by gaining the weight back because I didn't put in all that I could have. You only get out what you put in and I didn't put very much into that week so in return I didn't get very much out of it. 

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