workout of the day: arms & abs
level one
The only equipment you will need for this workout is a chair or bench to complete the tricep dips, other then that you can complete this workout anywhere. Complete each circuit twice with a little water break (about 30 sec. to 1 minute) between each circuit. In total time it shouldn't take more then 30 minutes to complete this workout. During the workout do not consume too much water as this can make you feel a little sick, however make sure to properly hydrate before and after your workout.
Circuit 1:
- 15 straight leg sit ups
- 15 lay down push ups (on knees)
- 30 bicycle crunches
- 15 tricep dips
Circuit 2:
- 15 straight leg raises
- 15 push ups (on knees)
- :30 sec. plank
- 15 toe taps
Along with the resistance workout I suggest 30 minutes of cardio, I like to complete this by running/walking and using 5K races as a goal to speed up my running time.
* Please keep in mind that I am not a doctor or licensed fitness expert and results may vary from person to person. Please consult a doctor before starting any fitness routine.
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