Okay, so you might have been expecting my June Fitness Plan post but in honor of wanting to be swimsuit ready this summer I am doing a 6 week trim down. I am starting this trim down on Monday, May 30 and it will go until Sunday, July 10th. This is a bit more intense and I would not suggest it for people who are just beginning but everyone has to start somewhere. Feel free to follow along with me and tag me on Instagram @becomingbradley of anything that you post! As always you can save the image above and print it out as a resource. I just listed the guidelines of what I will be doing, not exact workouts, so take what you want from it and leave what you don't. As you can see the only thing that really changes is cardio, my weight lifting schedule stays the same. My body is use to working out 6 days a week and my main focus is growing my gluets/hamstrings and back.
I am going to go over a few goals I am giving myself during these 6 weeks but as always please take what I say with a grain of salt. I am not licensed this is just general knowledge I have gained from experience and readings. No ones body is the same and there for are not going to react the same way so for instance if I loose 5 pounds during these 6 weeks you could loose less, more, or none. Please, please, please do your own research and listen to your body. With that being said, at the same time don't make excuses that you need a rest day if you really just don't wanna work out.
My Goals:
- Drink a gallon of water a day.
- Track all of my food for the whole 6 weeks.
- Take my vitamins/supplements regularly. (Future post on what supplements I use is coming!)
- Stay consistent with my efforts during both lifting and cardio.
If you guys have questions or ideas that I can use to create future posts please leave them in the comments! I hope you found this post headful and remember, better yourself today.
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