Thursday, July 23, 2015

Follow Me to Fit: Day 4

Today I was feeling really, really weak during my workout. I had a good meal before my workout and had plenty of energy but once I started my workout I barely had half the strength I normally do. The only thing I think it could be is that I might have been dehydrated. I completed the exercises listed above and finished 30 minutes of cardio after.
I finally went grocery shopping and restocked on all my favorite fruit. I enjoyed an apple and protein shake after my workout to refuel my body.
As I was eating my post workout snack I looked over at my dog and saw him like this. I think he was trying to tell me that I needed to shower after my pull workout today. 
I tracked my workout with my heart rate monitor today and was pretty surprised with what it recorded, I am definitely going to use it more often! This is from my whole day not just my workout, however typically my daily goal only reaches 60% when I don't track my workout with my heart rate monitor. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Follow Me to Fit: Day 3

I thought yesterdays post was short and sweet but todays is even shorter and sweeter! 

I hit an early morning  ab gym session today. I completed the following ab exercises listed above and finished it off with 15 minutes of cardio. I was aiming for 30 minutes but I was feeling a little under the weather today and having an itchy sore throat did't make running very fun.
I checked the mail on the way home from the gym and found these goodies! I ordered them from the last Alphalete Athletics launch and couldn't be happier with how they look. The crop top is a size medium/large and it is tight in all the right places. You can check out all the Alphalete gear at

Since I wasn't feeling very good today I took a little nap and enjoyed one of these Powerade Zeros to replenish some electrolytes. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Follow Me to Fit: Day 2

I've got to be honest not much happened today so this might be a boring post but I figured I should post it anyways!

Today I finished my workout around 1:00 pm. I completed the push workouts listed above along with the one pull workout being lat raises. I ended my gym workout with 30 minutes of cardio and some stretching.
I had a post workout meal of,
- full serving of plus pasta
- 1/2 serving of marinara
- 1/2 serving of cheese.
This is by far my go to favorite meal to make, I literally eat this 5 out of the 7 days of the week. I am a carb LOVER and it is by far one of my biggest weaknesses! 

I figured since todays post was a little bland and short I would throw in a selfie of my friend and I from the Train concert we went to on Sunday! It was a blast and they put on a great show. 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Follow Me to Fit: Day 1

Hello my friends! Today is the start of this new series that I will be doing called Follow Me to Fit. I have tried this series before but I wasn't digging how it was laying out so I re-evaluated it and came up with a plan. I want to continue this series up until the begging of the semester, around the end of August. Not saying I will quit once the new semester rolls around but I at least want to keep it going until then! To be honest I have no idea what this series will hold when it comes to content as I am gearing it toward a daily blog type of thing where I will probably talk about almost everything! I hope you enjoy it and here is day 1! 

I started my day a little later then I would like, I went to an awesome concert last night and didn't get home until pretty late. Once I finally woke up around 9:30 I made some breakfast that consisted of,
- 1 whole egg
-2 egg whites
- 1/2 a serving of cheese 
- 1/2 a serving of turkey.
Typically, I would also have had some fruit but I still need to go grocery shopping, there for we have no fruit at the moment! 

I also got my new Umoro cup in the mail today. I love it like crazy! You can get yourself on at

Today's leg workout was a bit later then normal, happening around 8:30 pm. I completed 20 minutes of cardio on the treadmill then smashed out the leg exercises listed above!

Once I got home I decided to end the night sipping on some combat protein powder in the flavor chocolate milk from Muscle Pharm in my new Umoro cup while I type up this blog post! 

That's everything I have for you guys today, I hope you enjoyed it and check back in tomorrow for day 2!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

What's in my gym bag? - Essentials

Okay, so today I wanted to talk a little bit about the essentials I keep in my gym bag. If you want to make  a fitness/health related change in your life, like going to the gym you need a gym bag! You need that thing to carry all the stuff you need to get in a good workout and you need to be abele to just toss in your car when you have to go to work, school, and another tasks that you may have to complete during the day. Having a gym bag packed and ready to go is going to eliminate almost every excuse you have to not go to the gym. I pack my gym bag the night before so that it is ready to go and I don't have to worry about it in the morning. 

I always have water bottle and my headphones, but for the smaller things I keep them in this make up bag from Sephora.

Here is what i keep in my essentials bag.
- Deodorant, always something to have on hand as during the day the layer you put on in the morning is most likely not going to be there once you get to the gym.
- Something to relief pain from headaches or that sore pain in your legs from leg day.
- Makeup wipes, not an essential for everyone but I find them handy when I go to the gym after class and I don't want to workout with a full face of makeup.
- Hair ties, headband, bobbie pins and a brush to put my hair up and get it out of my face so I can workout.
- Tampons, you can never be too safe when you are a girl.
- Chapstick, to keep your lips hydrated.
- Tiger Balm, again not an essential for everyone but really great to have on had for when you are sore or are having shin splints.