Hello my friends! Today is the start of this new series that I will be doing called Follow Me to Fit. I have tried this series before but I wasn't digging how it was laying out so I re-evaluated it and came up with a plan. I want to continue this series up until the begging of the semester, around the end of August. Not saying I will quit once the new semester rolls around but I at least want to keep it going until then! To be honest I have no idea what this series will hold when it comes to content as I am gearing it toward a daily blog type of thing where I will probably talk about almost everything! I hope you enjoy it and here is day 1!
I started my day a little later then I would like, I went to an awesome concert last night and didn't get home until pretty late. Once I finally woke up around 9:30 I made some breakfast that consisted of,
- 1 whole egg
-2 egg whites
- 1/2 a serving of cheese
- 1/2 a serving of turkey.
Typically, I would also have had some fruit but I still need to go grocery shopping, there for we have no fruit at the moment!
I also got my new Umoro cup in the mail today. I love it like crazy! You can get yourself on at www.umoro.com.
Today's leg workout was a bit later then normal, happening around 8:30 pm. I completed 20 minutes of cardio on the treadmill then smashed out the leg exercises listed above!
Once I got home I decided to end the night sipping on some combat protein powder in the flavor chocolate milk from Muscle Pharm in my new Umoro cup while I type up this blog post!
That's everything I have for you guys today, I hope you enjoyed it and check back in tomorrow for day 2!
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