Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Creating a Simple Routine: Introduction

Hello friends! After wrapping up my series of How To Set And Achieve Your Goals I figured I would start as series on how to create a routine, and a simple routine at that. I have a morning routine and an evening routine that have about 5 steps. I don't include things I "have" to do in the morning like shower, get dressed, or get ready because those are things that I have already accomplished in achieving daily. The routines that I will walk you threw to create are going to be focused on habits or steps you should be taking to achieve goals. 

A new step in this series will be posted on Tuesdays, so keep an eye out for that! As for now all I want you to do is think of some tasks or habit you would like to start achieving daily or what you want to get out of this new routine, wether it be less stressful mornings or more productive nights.  Along with that, I want you to think out your current routines that you already do without including your new tasks. Feel free to write it down if you would like but if not, just keep it in your head for next week!

I look forward to sharing this series with you and I hope you will find it helpful! If you have an questions or comments please leave them below. I hope you have a great day and don't forget to be you! 

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