Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Setting And Achieving Your Goals: Step 3

Hello! This post is coming to you a little late with all the hustle and bustle of christmas going on! In todays post about setting and achieving your goals we are going to focus on breaking our goals down in order to keep ourself accountable. If you missed Step 1 or Step 2 you might want to catch up. (;

Lets take a look at our goals that can be measured and are worded in the correct way!

1. In 2017 I am living a fit and healthy lifestyle with my goal body of 125 pounds.
2. I am knowledgeable and continuing to grow my knowledge threw books by reading at least one self-improvement book a month.

3. In 2017 my blog is growing at a great rate, is profitable of $100 a month and on its way to being a sold income.
4.  In September of 2016 I am living a balanced life between work, keeping my grades high, the house clean, and my social life strong. 

Now some people can stop here and achieve their goals with no problem, for other people they have a harder time keeping themselves accountable and on track. For those "other" people, myself included, we are going to break our goals down into small tasks that can be done daily or weekly that help us reach our goal without use even noticing too much.

Lets start with goal 1. Some simple tasks that I want to do daily to reach this goal is to track my water intake so I know I am getting in plenty or it! Work out daily including rest days, you can find my December workout split here. To help with motivation I want to take progress pictures weekly along with allowing a cheat meal 2-3 times a week (my cheat meals can not be on the same day or on rest days). 
Goal 2 is a simple one and takes a little less effort, I plan to read 15-20 minutes every day. 
Goal 3 will take more effort and planning! I want to post 3 times a week along with come out with 2-3 projects threw out the year.
Goal 4 will also take more work but it is work that I find very enjoyable! I want to separate my planners into personal/school and this blog. I want to set aside some time every week to plan my future week in both planners keeping in mind to plan out time for myself, friends and family. Every morning I would also like to create a detailed todo list that includes my "todos" from both planners.

I hope these posts are helpful and you enjoy them! If you have any questions please let me know in the comments below! I hope you have a great day! 

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