Wednesday, January 21, 2015

How I am going to achieve my goals: day 4

I have googled tons of stuff about meal planning but everywhere makes it seem so complicated! You have to count all of this and measure all of that. It is like they think we are to stupid to know that an apple is a healthier choice then a chocolate bar. These are the main things that I have found out that help me the most.

1. Eat whole foods! Like fruits and vegetables. Try to stay away form the pre packaged food because they are normally full of sodium and other harsh ingredients. Eat whole pasta, bread, and rice instead of the regular stuff. 

2. Portion controle! You can eat as many brussels sprouts as you want but when it comes to the bread and dairy stick to the portion size. If you are still hungry after you portion of pasta then eat an apple or some carrots. There is a reason that our plates should have more then just one type of food on it because a portion of pasta isn't going to fill most of us up.

3. Time! You should give your body snacks throughout the day. If you have a breakfast burito for breakfast around 8 then have an apple around 11 and lunch around 2. If you can last until 6 for dinner then great but if you can't have some almonds around 4. Don't starve yourself by skipping the calories at breakfast because then you will over eat at lunch and most likely go out to eat instead of eating that salad you packed. 

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How I am going to achieve my goals: day 3

Sleep is so intensely important in life, but yet so complicated. If you get to much sleep then you are still tired, get to little and you re still tired. You have to have regular sleeping pattern for it to become easy to wake on your own without a ridiculously loud alarm. Improving your sleep schedule and getting on a routine will help to give you more energy. More energy makes more things get done and with all these goals I want to accomplish I am going to need all the energy I can get! Here are  a few steps that helped me get a better nights sleep.

1. Get rid of all things electronic! I have slept with a tv on for as long as I can remember. When we moved we only could afford one tv so I was forced to kick that habit cold turkey. Instead of watching the tv while in bed I found myself watching countless you tube videos. Honestly the you tube habit was harder to break then the tv one. I finally started reading before bed and that is know what I do if I don't find myself too sleepy.

2. Do something that relaxes you! I enjoy reading, drinking tea, or doing some yoga before bed just to slow down a little and clear my head. I find it to help stop all thought millions of thoughts that race through my head as soon as it hits the pillow keeping me up.

3. Cut the caffeine by 2 pm. This gives your body a reasonably amount of time to rid the body of the caffeine so it can slow down a bit easier when you are getting ready for bed.

4. Get on a schedule! I know this is the hardest thing of all but it is the most beneficial. I like to be in bed by 9:30 at the latest if I plan on reading and asleep by 11. I set an alarm for 7:30-8 giving myself around 7-9 hours of rest. 

When it comes to my alarm I use this app called Sleep Better. It can sense body movement, so it wakes you at the best possible time not startling you out of a deep sleep. 

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Monday, January 19, 2015

How I am going to achieve my goals: day 2

Plan! I use my planner like a bible. I try to plan as much as I can even though my days don't go as plan 90% of the time, however I still get most of the stuff done during the day that I need to. I prioritize my needs school, work, blogging, exercising, family, home duties. Most of the time I start my day off with something i enjoy then move to the boring/ not so fun stuff. When it comes to exercising I try to get that done in the morning just so it is out of the way and done. Stuff like homework I don't mind doing during the evening hours or while I am with friends. You just have to figure out what works for you and your schedule and then keep to it. 

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Sunday, January 18, 2015

How I am going to achieve my goals: day 1

I write my daily goals in my planner so I see them constantly. I put a box next to them so when I complete them I can mark them of, it gives a little more satisfaction that way. I also mark them off so that I have something to reflect on. If I am feeling lazy one day and don't want to do something I look back on some of the busiest day I've had where I was able to check those little tasks off and it gives me just the encouragement I need to get them done. If you don't have planner then you could obviously get one however, in order for more success you need to constantly see them. You could put them on your phone, computer, note book, a piece of paper, really just anywhere you can put a check list. 

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Saturday, January 17, 2015

The beginning of Becoming Bradley

I think I am pretty committed to becoming fit, healthy, and organized this year. Things just fell different this time then they have before when I have established goals. I am going to post my goals that I have this year, some not pertaining to my blog topics but I still want too put them out there and update on them frequently. So, here we go!

1. read 28 books
2. lose 20 pounds
3. eat something healthy everyday
4. maintain a nightly skin care routine
5. get the finances together
6. take 5-10 minutes a day to just pick up around the house
7. drink 72 ounces of water a day
8. keep my grades above a B-

I know all of these are doable. Some will take more work then others but I am positive I am ready for it. I am wanting to use this as motivation for myself and others to become our better selfs and to have something to look back on and tell people this is how I did it!