Friday, December 25, 2015

January Fitness Plan

Hello! First thing first, MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Second thing second, here is my January Fitness Plan! It is similar to my December Fitness Plan in the way I formatted it but if you look closely I switched up my split (aka what muscle groups I work and and in what order). Feel free to save the picture above if you would like.

Lets talk about last month for a minute! I was very dedicated to my workouts and killed them even on my bad days and while studding for finals. I even studied flash cards while on the stair master! However, with that said I slacked tremendously on my nutrition. Because of that I did not see a change in my body but it really made me realize how I need to focus on my nutrition more. I decided to take a week off of the gym and really focus on my nutrition and creating guidelines to follow. This week break ends tomorrow so come Saturday I will start my January split early.

January Split:
Day 1: 40 minutes cardio
Day 2: glutes and abs
Day 3: bi's, tri's, and chest
Day 4: whammies and quads
Day 5: back and shoulders
Day 6: rest day

I will also be following that same guidelines for setting up my workouts that I laid out in my December Fitness Plan. For my nutrient I really want to increase the amount of vegetables I consume along with my protein intake. To do this I plan to eat a serving of vegetables and protein with every meal. When it comes to "cheat" meals I will also be following some guidelines. 

1. 1-2 small cheat meals a week.
2. Cheat meals can not be on the same day.
3. Cheat meals can not be on rest days.

I hope these posts are helpful and you enjoy them! If you have any questions please let me know in the comments below! I hope you have a great day and become yourself!

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