Friday, May 8, 2015

Fit Friday - 1

Today is going to be the introduction of my 'Follow Me to Fit' series. I am trying to better my health habits by exercising more, and eating higher quality foods. In this series I will talk about my progress along with what I have been doing to achieve it. 

I am going to be working threw the Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide 1. It is a 12 week workout guide that includes resistance workouts along with cardio that you should do. I have already completed the 4 week pre-workout guide, so I will be starting week 1 of the original guide on Monday. In the guide she suggests different amounts of cardio as you progress threw the guide, however I will be doing cardio everyday since I want to really build up my stamina for cardio. 

I am not following any meal plan or anything like that, I am just going to be smarter about what I eat and what goes into my mouth. If I plan on having a big family dinner one night then threw out the day I will have small protein packed meals and snacks to keep the fats and carbs low during the day so that I don't over eat them. 

I will be posing in this series every four week and including progress photos, along with what I weigh. I started the pre-workout guide at 155 pound and I am down to 149.8, so a total of 5.2 pounds have been lost over the past 4 weeks. 

Personal Update:
Towards the end of week 4 I have been having some leg pain, I am pretty sure it is shin splints but I have not gone to a doctor or anything. I will not be pushing myself as hard when it comes to running and walking until I feel they are getting better. ((I am not going to stop running thought!!!))

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