Friday, May 1, 2015

Relaunching My Blog

Hello Everyone, I am doing a relaunch of my blog! 

Recently I haven't found the time to blog quality posts so that is why I have been MIA! However, that is all going to change starting now. I have come up with a new layout of posts for the week that I will be following. I hope to keep most things the same but as time goes on I will probably alter some stuff here and there. 

The layout is going to go something like this:

Monday: Motivational Monday, there will be some quotes and just a little pick me up for when we are all having a hard Monday. 

Tuesday: DIY Day, diys that will help organize and decorate your space.

Wednesday: Work With Me Wednesday, things like a plan with me or a day in the life post where I will share lots of pictures! 

Thursday: off day (:

Friday: Fit Friday, probably one of the days I am most excited for! I will be doing a Follow me to Fit series where I show my progress every couple of weeks, along with what I eat in a day posts and my random two cents on some fitness stuff.

I am supper excited for this relaunch and I hope to gain more followers form it since I will be posting almost everyday! Have a great rest of your day and hope to see you Monday for some motivation! (;

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