Thursday, January 28, 2016

February Fitness Plan

Hello friends! I am back with another fitness plan for February! You can find my previous fitness plans here: 

As for last month I did lose about 6 pounds and I hope to keep the train rolling on that note. This month I really want to work more on my nutrition and my running endurance. Along with my regular strength training I will be running 4-5 times a week and increase the longevity on the run weekly. I plan on lightly tracking my macros (a.k.a. fats, carbohydrates, and protein intake). If you don't know anything about this feel free to just do a quick search. This is just what I follow, it may not be what works for you or what you do but everybody is different. I am not a licensed physical trainer/nutritionist so please take the things I say with a grain of salt and do your own research if you would like. If you guys would like to see any other type of fitness related things like recipes let me know.

I hope you enjoy these posts and find them helpful. If you have questions or comments please leave them below. I hope you have a great day and don't forget to be you!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Creating a Simple Routine: Introduction

Hello friends! After wrapping up my series of How To Set And Achieve Your Goals I figured I would start as series on how to create a routine, and a simple routine at that. I have a morning routine and an evening routine that have about 5 steps. I don't include things I "have" to do in the morning like shower, get dressed, or get ready because those are things that I have already accomplished in achieving daily. The routines that I will walk you threw to create are going to be focused on habits or steps you should be taking to achieve goals. 

A new step in this series will be posted on Tuesdays, so keep an eye out for that! As for now all I want you to do is think of some tasks or habit you would like to start achieving daily or what you want to get out of this new routine, wether it be less stressful mornings or more productive nights.  Along with that, I want you to think out your current routines that you already do without including your new tasks. Feel free to write it down if you would like but if not, just keep it in your head for next week!

I look forward to sharing this series with you and I hope you will find it helpful! If you have an questions or comments please leave them below. I hope you have a great day and don't forget to be you! 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Tunes on Repeat for January

I tried my hardest, and I mean my HARDEST not to fall into the Justin Bieber loop hole of an album called Purpose. I held strong for a few a while only hearing it when it was on the radio. Long story short I listened to the album and never stopped! 

I literally love every song on this album. Justin and his team did an amazing job with this comeback album. The song Love Yourself is definitely my favorite beat from the album and one of my top three favorite songs to sing along with. In no favorite order a few other songs I love from this album are No Pressure, Mark My Words, All In It, We Are, I'll Show You and the rest of the album.  

If you haven't listened to this album yet I highly suggest it even if you aren't a Belieber. Trust me, it will be worth it. 

I hope you enjoyed this post! If you have and questions or comments please leave them below, I hope you have a great day and don't forget to be you!

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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Setting And Achieving Your Goals: Step 4

I am trying to figure out the best posting schedule so please forgive my late posts! I think I am going to start posting Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Once I get caught up on posts I will start with my new posting schedule.

For the last step in setting goals you can achieve is to make it fun. Turn them into something you will see everyday. You can make it as creative or dull as you want, as simple as wighting them on flashcards or as detailed such as this goal binder. Vision boards are also a very popular way of making your goals visual. You can also Pinterest goal visualization and find tons of ideas. 

I wanted to keep the decoration very simple for my goal binder but feel free to go ham on that if you want. I took a glitter scrap book paper and trimmed it down to fit in the cover of my black 1/2 inch binder. On the inside there are a few things that are similar for each goal. I color coordinated them with fitness all having blue, reading is purple, balance is green, and the blog is orange. Most pages are in page protects but things like the traders are just hole punched and placed in the binder. 

The first thing for each goal is the goal itself along with a bit of motivation. I edited them to my liking then trimmed the edges down and glued them to colored card stock. 

On the back of the goal page I added in other forms of motivation. For my fitness goal I have a weight countdown and my reading goal has a list of books that I will mark off once I read them. I have noticed that this particular page really helps me to visually see what all I have done and that I can keep going until I reach my goal. 

The next page has my plan or action steps that are needed to attain my goal. Behind that I have my main form of tracking that gets updated frequently and keeps me accountable. I really wanted this binder to have anything and everything I may need to achieve my goal.

I hope you enjoyed this goal setting series and it helped in any way possible! If you have any questions or comments please leave them below. I hope you have a great day and don't forget to be you! 

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